ARTlCLE I – NAME The name of the association shall be THE ASSOCIATION OF NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE DESIGNERS. ANLD is a registered non-profit mutual support organization 503(C)(6). Under article 5 FED. # 93-0884907. ARTICLE II – PURPOSE 2. Provide opportunities to build member knowledge and expertise through educational programming. 3. Support beginning landscape designers in their transition from school to the workplace. 4. Provide our members with opportunities for public promotion. ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to any person engaged in landscape design and allied professions in the Pacific Northwest, who shall bear reputation for trustworthy dealings, which must be maintained as a condition of membership. SECTION 2. DUES The annual dues shall be established by the Executive Committee. Membership dues will be on a rolling membership model; new members will be able to join at any time of year and receive a full year of membership. As of 2020, dues for regular members are $50 per year or $85 per two years; dues for student members are $40 per year or $68 per two years. SECTION 3. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Any member may be suspended or terminated for cause. Sufficient cause for suspension or termination shall be: 1. Non-payment of dues and such assessments as agreed upon by all members. Membership will be considered lapsed 30 days after end of previous membership period. 2. Violation of any of the provisions of the Bylaws. ARTICLE IV – GOVERNING BODY The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,. Section 1a. TERMS OF OFFICE The officers shall be elected in November and installed in January. The term of office shall be one year. The President must have served on a prior Board or be an experienced committee chair, past or present. Section 1b. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Nominations shall be made by the Nominating Committee and/or from the floor at the October meeting by any regular member present. Officers are voted in by the membership at the November meeting. Section 1c. VACANCIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE If the President cannot serve, the 1st Vice President shall assume the Presidency and the 1st Vice President’s slot shall be filled by the 2nd Vice President for the remainder of the year. All other vacant positions shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. SECTION 2 THE BOARD The Board consists of the Executive Committee and the Immediate Past President. Committee chairs may be requested to report to the Board at the discretion of the President. Section 2a. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD Meetings shall be held as prescribed by the President but not less frequently than twice a year. Meetings are open to the membership. ARTICLE V – DUTIES OF THE BOARD SECTION 1. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1a. PRESIDENT The President shall set the agenda and preside over all meetings, communicate regularly with committee chairs, and provide leadership for the organization as directed by the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the Nominating Committee, consisting of three members by July 30. Section 1b. 1st & 2nd VICE PRESIDENTS (PROGRAM CHAIRS) The Program Chairs shall plan and coordinate programs for meetings, field trips, introduce speakers, provide or arrange for equipment the speaker may require, arrange a meeting place, send thank-you notes, and advise the Treasurer if remuneration is to be given to the speaker. The 1st Vice President also will stand in for the President at meetings when the President is unavailable. Section 1c. SECRETARY The Secretary shall be custodian of all the records and documents of the Association, keep a complete record, including attendance, of all the meetings of the membership and Board, handle all correspondence for the Association. The Secretary shall be the alternate signer of checks issued by the Association. Section 1d. TREASURER The Treasurer shall be empowered to make expenditures as prescribed by the Executive Committee and shall submit an annual financial report to the Board and the membership. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget, provide an independent audit as required in the Bylaws, collect dues and handle all funds of the Association, including disbursements of funds for the Scholarship Program, and file required annual forms with the IRS. Section 1e. PAST PRESIDENT The Past President shall be responsible for the management of the Association’s Scholarship Program | ARTICLE VI – COMMITTEES Each member of the Association will be asked to participate in one committee of their choice. At the end of each year they may choose a different committee or stay on their present committee. Committee chairs are appointed by the Executive Committee, and report to the Board as requested by the President. Committee chairs are part of Board discussions but hold no voting privileges. Itemized annual budgets for each committee must be presented to and approved by the Board. Committee chairs are responsible for recruiting members for their committees, for keeping records of their activities, and for helping the Board recruit their successor. Committees may include: SECTION 1. NOMINATING The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President and is responsible for nominating a slate of candidates for the coming year’s Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee Chair presents the slate of officers to the membership at the October meeting. SECTION 2. GARDEN TOUR The Garden Tour Committee shall be responsible for selecting gardens and tour date, handling publicity, recruiting artists & sponsors, marketing materials, and communications. They are also responsible for communications among all garden participants and volunteers. SECTION 3. MEMBER RELATIONS & HOSPITALITY The Member Relations & Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for welcoming new members, receiving RSVPs, refreshments, distributing & collecting name badges, providing sign-in sheets at member meetings and turning them over to the Secretary as part of the record of attendance. SECTION 4. NEWSLETTER The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for publishing four newsletters each year, and processing requests for advertisements. The Executive Committee may modify the number of yearly newsletters. SECTION 5. MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS The Marketing and Public Relations Committee will support the efforts of all ANLD committees and the Board as needed through the production and oversight of marketing support materials and press releases. The committee will evaluate opportunities to build awareness of ANLD with non-member audiences. SECTION 6. WEBSITE The Webmaster & Committee is responsible for keeping the Association Website ( current in conjunction with the PR Committee, manage the membership database, keep a calendar of Association events, and update the membership renewal form yearly. SECTION 7. WORKSHOP The Workshop Committee shall be responsible for selecting the venue and workshop date, handling publicity, recruiting presenters & sponsors and arranging for catering. They are also responsible for communications among all participants and volunteers. SECTION 8. MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS The Communications Committee shall notify members of upcoming meetings & events of the Association and other items of interest to members. SECTION 9. COMMUNITY PROJECT The Community Project Committee shall organize one project each year in which the membership of the Association participates that will benefit the community at large. SECTION 10. HISTORICAL The Historian/Archivist is responsible for the gathering and recording of ANLD history and individual member’s accomplishments and published information. SECTION 11. RESOURCE The Resource Chair gathers and distributes a list of resources provided by the membership for the use of the membership. SECTION 12. AD HOC COMMITTEES The Executive Committee may organize special committees as needed to fulfill the purposes of the Association. ARTICLE VII – MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION SECTION 1. REGULAR MEETINGS Regular meeting shall be held once a month January through May and September through November. June, July & August meetings are special events designated by the 1st & 2nd Vice Presidents for Programs. SECTION 2. NOTICE OF MEETINGS Notice will be made by email & posted on the Association Website at least ten days prior to meeting. SECTION 3. VOTING Only current members in good standing may vote. Voting on all matters, including the election of officers, shall either be by voice by a majority of the members present at the constituted meeting (in-person or live online meeting) or by an online ballot available for a two-week period. Members will be notified by email and in the members area of the Association website. ARTICLE VIII – AUDITS ARTICLE X – AMENDMENTS Attachments: Job Descriptions of Executive Committee Positions |